Cabaser 20 tab. (1 mg/1 tab.)


Cabaser from Pfizer is a drug in tablets that suppresses the secretion of prolactin (female hormones). Strengthens libido and erection in men, promotes frequent sexual acts and lowers blood pressure. The drug is able to significantly reduce the consequences of the use of steroids (nandrolone and trenbolone), so it is often included in post-course therapy. The tool is a safe analogue of bromocriptine.



The main effect of Caberoglin is achieved due to the activation of dopamine receptors, which are located on the lactotrophic cells of the pituitary gland. If it is easier to explain, after taking the drug, the synthesis of dopamine accelerates and the production of prolactin slows down, which causes a number of unpleasant effects: enlargement of the mammary glands (gynecomastia), hormonal disorders, impotence and male infertility.

If you want to normalize your sex life and neutralize the effects of steroids, use the achievements of sports pharmacology. This will help preserve men's health. Already three hours after taking Caberoglin, the level of prolactin will decrease. The duration of the effect is from one week to a month, but when taking steroid and anabolic drugs, it is necessary to coordinate the dosage with the doctor.

Effects of Cabergoline

  • removal of accumulated fluid from the body,
  • significant increase in appetite,
  • effective burning of fat deposits,
  • minimal fluctuations in body weight,
  • strengthening of venous outline.

How to take Cabergoline

In bodybuilding, the tool is often used to suppress the side effects of steroids of the progressive group. Caberoglin is prescribed along with taking anabolic drugs.You should start from the second week of the ACC course (during the maximum concentration of anabolics) with 0.25 mg once every four days (0.5 mg once a week). The use of the drug should be continued for 2-3 weeks after the end of steroids.

The package contains 1 tablet of 1 mg. A minimum of 8-10 tablets will be needed for a full course of Caberoglin. The tool is prescribed not only to bodybuilders, but also to those who have hormonal disorders. A control analysis of the level of prolactin in the body is carried out a month after the full completion of therapy.

Side effects

Cabergoline, subject to the recommended regimen and dosage, rarely has side effects, in most cases it does not have them at all. Reviews of Cabergoline, as a drug that causes weakness and reduces immunity, are written by people who exceed the recommended dose.


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