Drostanolone Propionate 1 ampoule/ml (100 mg/1 ml)


Drostanolone Propionate from ZPHC is an anabolic and androgenic steroid with moderate anabolic and high androgenic effects. It does not undergo conversion into estrogens, being an aromatase inhibitor. By its biological nature, Drostanolone is similar to dihydrotestosterone and is its derivative. The chemical formula of the steroid 2-alpha-dihydrotestosterone propionate. Initially, Drostanolone Propionate and Enanthate were used exclusively as a medicine for the treatment of breast cancer, but after some time they were canceled due to the high probability of virilization. Most often, the Masteron steroid is produced in ampoules of 100 and 50 mg/ml.

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Anabolic steroid Drostanolone Propionate (other name: Masteron) is a derivative of the dihydrotestosterone hormone, so the biological action of Drostanolone is similar to that of this hormone.

Steroid profile

  • The activity of the substance is 2-3 days
  • Classification: Steroid of Anabolic / Androgenic origin
  • Method of application: by injection
  • Dosage: Men 300-500mg for 7 days, Women 25-50mg for 7 days
  • Water retention: No
  • High blood pressure: Sometimes
  • Hepatotoxicity: No
  • Aromatase: None
  • Progestogenic activity: No
  • DHT (dehydrotestosterone) conversion: No
  • Reduction of HPTA function (production of own testosterone): yes
  • Anabolic activity (25-40%), Androgenic activity (62-130%)

The detection time is 14 days (approximately, since the doping commission is constantly looking for new and improving methods of detecting prohibited substances, it also depends on the athlete using the drug, whether he uses phenobarbital and furosemide to accelerate the withdrawal of the drug)

Action of Drostanolone Propionate

  • Preservation of the gained muscle volume, increase in relief, density and hardness of the muscles. Most often, bodybuilders use Masteron shortly before competitions and in the dry season.
  • Pronounced fat-burning properties that have been proven in scientific research (fat mass decreased by 57% after a course of drostanolone).
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Moderate diuretic effect.
  • Suppression of catabolic processes.


Masteron solo course

As for how to take Masteron propionate ("propic") and enanthate, athletes demonstrate the best results at a dosage of 400,500 milligrams per week. An increase in the injected volume does not give a proportional increase in physiological parameters, which cannot be said about the rapidly increasing probability of side reactions of the body.

The course of masteron propionate involves injections every other day or three times a week, enanthate is injected once every 7 days. It is recommended to start using the steroid after a consultation with a sports doctor and a full diagnosis of the body's condition. During the reception of AAS, it is necessary to periodically pass tests and make appropriate adjustments.

Combined courses with drostanol

A solo course of drostanolone has some disadvantages, which can be neutralized by inclusion in the course of other anabolic and androgenic steroids. Drostanolone is characterized by a high affinity for androgen receptors, thanks to which it is best combined with Oxandralone and Winstrol. The latter drug is particularly effective because it weakly interacts with androgen receptors and reduces the level of globulin that binds sex hormones. Thus, a synergistic effect is ensured.To gain muscle mass, Masteron is recommended to be combined with testosterone propionate. But with such a course, it is necessary to take gonadotropins to compensate for the suppression of the level of endogenous testosterone. Masteron is compatible with Boldenone and Trenbolone.

Side effects

A low anabolic index contributes to pronounced fat-burning properties, but at the same time significantly increases the risk of androgenic reactions. Such side effects from Masteron as virilization, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy and increased aggression are possible. The drug does not cause an increase in blood pressure, fluid retention and is practically non-toxic to the liver.

Important! An overdose of Drostanolone Propionate ZPC can provoke the appearance of side effects of an androgenic nature, for example, aggression, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy in men and virilization in women.


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