Masteron 1 bottle/10 ml (100 mg/1 ml)


Masteron from Sp Labs has high androgenic activity and moderate anabolic activity. In bodybuilding, it is used to preserve the gained mass. Thanks to intramuscular administration, it does not have a negative effect on the liver. The drug is not recommended for women and inexperienced athletes.

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The main audience of the steroid is track and field athletes, for whom speed and endurance are important. However, bodybuilders also actively use it during the drying period to give relief to the muscles. Thus, the drug has a wide spectrum of action, allowing every athlete to benefit from it.

Steroid profile of Drostanolone dipropionate

  • the activity of the substance is 2-3 days,
  • classification: steroid of anabolic / androgenic origin,
  • method of application: by injection,
  • dosages: men 300-500 mg for 7 days, women 25-50 mg for 7 days,
  • water retention: no,
  • high blood pressure: sometimes,
  • hepatotoxicity: no,
  • aromatase: no,
  • progestagen activity: no,
  • dht (dehydrotestosterone) conversion: no,
  • reduction of hpta function (production of own testosterone): yes,
  • anabolic activity (25-40%), androgenic activity (62-130%),
  • the detection time is 14 days (approximately, since the doping commission is constantly looking for new and improved methods of detecting prohibited substances, it also depends on the athlete using the drug, whether he uses phenobarbital and furosemide to accelerate the withdrawal of the drug).

Effects of taking Drostanolone dipropionate

With a well-constructed intake schedule and correctly selected dosage, an athlete during the course of taking this steroid can achieve the following results:

  • improving the quality and giving relief to the muscles,
  • improvement of appetite,
  • acceleration of the processes of getting rid of fat deposits,
  • increase in endurance,
  • increase in strength indicators.
  • Application and dosage of Drostanolone dipropionate

    The Masteron course from SP Lab for drying, relief and mass preservation lasts 4 weeks. A safe dosage is 400 mg weekly. Injections are made once every 2 days, usually in the gluteal muscle.

    For athletes, swimmers and representatives of combat sports, a weekly amount of 100 mg is enough.

    Masteron does not convert into estrogens. Thus, a person gets good elasticity of muscles, their relief and hardness. Contraindications to use may also be present, but very rarely.

    You can take about 100-200 mg three times a week. Longer courses of Masteron, despite all the safety and mildness of the drug, still require post-course therapy with the use of Clomid to normalize the hormonal level.

    Combined course

    For the purpose of mass gain, the drug is combined with Boldenone, Sustanon, Turinabol. For the purpose of drying with Winstrol and Stanozolol.

    Side effects

    Masteron has a low anabolic index, which is why it burns fat so well, at the same time it increases the risk of androgenic side effects: aggression, acne, baldness, prostate hypertrophy and virilization in women.

    Masteron does not cause such side effects as fluid retention, blood pressure rise and has low toxicity for the liver.


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