Clomiphene citrate 50 tab. (20 mg/1 tab.)


Clomiphene citrate from Cygnus Pharma shows good results in recovery after a course and can be combined with hCG and tamoxifen during PCT. The main effect of Clomiphene is to restore hormonal balance, prevent the manifestation of mammary gland enlargement and the appearance of other female signs in a bodybuilder.



Clomiphene citrate is a synthetic antiestrogen. The drug is intended for blocking estrogen receptors in peripheral tissues, as well as the hypothalamic-pituitary system. When taking small doses, it has a positive effect on the integration of gonadotropins. In high doses, it stimulates the anti-estrogenic effect on the ovaries.

Despite the fact that Clomiphene Citrate tablets in the instructions indicate that they are intended for the treatment of infertility in men and women, they are in great demand among professional athletes. Tablets are intended for pre-course therapy when taking anabolic steroids. The drug is used to trigger the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis.

Effects of taking Clomiphene

  • rapid restoration of hormonal balance and natural sex hormone secretion,
  • reducing the severity of the recoil phenomenon,
  • preservation of the obtained muscle mass,
  • prevention of secondary sexual symptoms associated with high estrogen exposure,
  • prevention of testicular atrophy,
  • restoration of libido,
  • normalization of performance in the liver.
  • Application and dosage of Clomiphene

    Many athletes taking these pills choose a course lasting no more than 12 weeks, where the dosage of the active substance reaches 100-150 mg per day.

    In those cases when the athlete took Trenbolone and Nandrolone during the course, it is necessary to start taking Clomiphene with a dosage of 250 mg per reception, once every four days. The drug is also in demand after taking gonadotropin during PCT. In this case, the course of admission is 10 days. The drug is recommended to be taken after a meal.

    Contraindications to use

    The drug Clomiphene citrate is not prescribed to women who have diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, severe vaginal bleeding, diseases of the adrenal gland and during pregnancy. Also, tablets are not suitable for patients with individual intolerance of the active substance or components, as well as for pituitary tumors.

    Side effects

    • headaches
    • nausea, vomiting,
    • stomach ache
    • insomnia,
    • allergic rash on the skin.

    I assume that most of the negative reactions are temporary and end on their own after a few days after taking Clomiphene. Negative effects are not necessary in treatment.

    The origin of the drug

    Clomiphene is a synthetic substance that first appeared in 1960 and soon went on sale on the pharmacological market. The main task of the working component is to use it in medical applications to cure infertility in women by stimulating the onset of ovulation, and in men to prevent oligospermia.


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