Masteron-100 10 ampoules/1 ml (100 mg/ml)


Masteron-100 from Malay Tiger (Masteron Propionate) is a drug with a moderate anabolic effect and weak androgenic activity. In the injection form, it is an ether and has a long-lasting effect on cellular structures. The drug has a long active period of about 2 weeks. This anabolic steroid is produced in the form of such esters as propionate and enanthate. Its main feature is that it has androgenic activity, which allows you to achieve significant results.

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This anabolic has a beneficial effect not only when preparing for a competition, but is also excellent for building excellent muscles. This method of application is ideally combined with daily sports loads.

Steroid Profile Masteron-100

  • The activity of the substance is 2-3 days
  • Classification: Steroid of Anabolic / Androgenic origin
  • Method of application: by injection
  • Dosage: Men 300-500mg for 7 days, Women 25-50mg for 7 days
  • Water retention: No
  • High blood pressure: Sometimes
  • Hepatotoxicity: No
  • Aromatase: None
  • Progestogenic activity: No
  • DHT (dehydrotestosterone) conversion: No
  • Reduction of HPTA function (production of own testosterone): yes
  • Anabolic activity (25-40%), Androgenic activity (62-130%)
  • The detection time is 14 days (approximately, since the doping commission is constantly looking for new and improving methods of detecting prohibited substances, it also depends on the athlete using the drug, whether he uses phenobarbital and furosemide to accelerate the withdrawal of the drug)

Masteron Propionate has a fairly high androgenic and moderate anabolic effect.With proper use, the risk of side effects is minimal and this explains the particular popularity of the steroid among athletes. Basically, the drug is used in courses designed to improve the quality of muscles, and much less often it is used to gain quality mass. Many athletes prefer to use Drostanolone Propionate before the beginning of the competitive period, since due to the short half-life of the drug from the body, its reception is quite difficult to detect on doping control.

The effectiveness of Masteron Propionate

With a well-constructed intake schedule and correctly selected dosage, an athlete during the course of taking this steroid can achieve such results as:

  • Improving the quality and giving relief to the muscles,
  • Improvement of appetite,
  • Speeding up the processes of getting rid of fat deposits,
  • Increased endurance,
  • Increase in strength indicators.

Recommendations. by using Masteron Propionate

Basically, experts prescribe courses of taking this steroid, the duration of which does not exceed 6-10 weeks. Usually, this period is enough to improve the quality of muscles, increase strength and get rid of fat deposits. To achieve optimal results from the course, it is best to take Drostanolone Propionate every other day in a dosage equal to 100 ml.

Also, to increase the effectiveness of the course, it is allowed to combine this steroid with Stanozolol or Winstrol, which will help the athlete dry the gained mass. Those wishing to accelerate the growth of quality muscles can take the drug in combination with Sustanon or Testosterone Enanthate.

It is worth noting that it is best to take Drostanolone Propionate in combination with a strict diet, which will also increase the effectiveness of the course.

Combining with other steroids

For the purpose of gaining mass, Masteron is combined with Sustanon, Turinabol for the purpose of drying with Winstrol, Stanozolol.

Side effects and contraindications

Masteron-100 Malay Tiger (masteron) is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. With reasonable dosages and the correct duration of cycles, the drug is practically harmless and does not affect internal organs.

This is a safe drug that can be safely recommended to bodybuilding beginners for the gradual build-up of high-quality and toned mass.

It is also suitable for athletes with a lot of experience, pros use ego for stiffness and relief of muscles.


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