MIX-500 1 bottle/10 ml (500 mg/1 ml)


MIX-500 from Cygnus Pharma is a mix of Boldenone Undecylenate and Testosterone Cypionate. Taking MIX-500, the athlete receives a fairly rapid increase in muscles, a surge of strength and endurance. In one course, a bodybuilder can gain up to 10 kg of quality muscles. In order to improve the anabolic effect, sports nutrition and diet compliance are recommended, which helps to increase muscle tissue.


Experienced athletes have already realized that such a composition is perfectly balanced and allows you to gain a large amount of mass with minimal health risks.

Effects of taking MIX-500

  • actively stimulates the processes of hypertrophy of muscle mass,
  • contributes to the growth of power potential and performance,
  • positively affects the work of the joints,
  • differs in strong anti-catabolic properties,
  • increases appetite.
  • Application and dosage of MIX-500

    The recommended weekly dosage of anabolics is 500-1000 mg. The duration of the course with his participation is at least two months. Also, we do not recommend taking MIX-500 for more than three months. This is due to the fact that Testosterone Cypionate is able to suppress the activity of the pituitary arc.

    Thus, if you plan to conduct a course lasting at least 12 weeks, then you need to buy Gonadotropin. In addition, athletes will also need an aromatase inhibitor. This medicinal product is mandatory for use regardless of the duration of use of the drug.

    Combined course:

    By and large, this anabolic is already a combined course. However, if desired, athletes can combine its reception with other AAS.For example: Parabolan, Turinabol, Trenbolone Enanthate, Oxymetholone.

    Post-course therapy (PCT):

    This drug has a great effect on the body. This fact indicates the need for restorative therapy after the cancellation of MIX-500. You need to use Tamoxifen or Clomid for 3-4 weeks.

    Start PCT after 2.5-3 weeks from the moment of the last administration of the drug.

    Side effects

    Due to the lack of aromatization, the development of gynecomastia is practically impossible. If the dosages are not abused, the negative impact on the liver is minimized. For women, taking MIX-500 is not recommended, because the manifestation of virilization is possible.


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