Mix of 3 Trenbolones 1 ampoule/ml (200 mg/1 ml)


Mix of 3 Trenbolones from ZPHC is an injectable drug that is increasingly used in sports today to gain muscle mass. The drug is a mixture consisting of three trenbolone esters. The composition of the drug includes hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, enanthate, and acetate. This combination makes the steroid effective, and therefore very popular among athletes.

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Application Mix of 3 Trenbolones

Trenbolone Mix injections are given twice a week, a suitable dosage will be 400 mg for 7 days. An 8-week course will be sufficient for effective weight gain. As a rule, Boldenone, Oxymethalone, Testosterone and other drugs should be taken together with Tren.

The effect of the drug begins immediately after the injection and lasts for a long time, up to several weeks. This property is achieved thanks to the high-quality selection of esters included in the composition of the drug.

Mix of 3 Trenbolones allows you to increase physical strength in a short period of time without retaining excess fluid in the tissues. Because of these qualities, the drug has become in high demand among athletes who are engaged in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

It is worth buying a Mix of 3 Trenbolones for burning excess fat, gaining muscle mass and increasing the athlete's physical strength.

Useful properties

When taking Mix Trenbolone, or Finaject, the following advantages are noted:

  • A rather rapid increase in muscle mass,
  • Strong anabolic effect,
  • Increase in power characteristics,
  • The presence of a fat-burning effect,
  • Increased sex drive.

Side effect

  • Aggression.It is worth monitoring the dosage of the drug for athletes who are not distinguished by a calm disposition,
  • muscle stiffness,
  • gynecomastia You can get rid of this side effect if you take appropriate drugs together with Tren.
  • acne,
  • baldness,
  • pressure increase.


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