Testosterone Cypionate 1 bottle/10 ml (200 mg/1 ml)


Testosterone Cypionate from ZPHC is the longest form of testosterone known today. The main male hormone has long been used in sports practice, and not only by men. Ego reception allows to significantly increase the main physiological indicators, which means to show the best results. Testosterone cypionate has the greatest popularity and distribution in America. Actually, ego is mainly produced there.

Testosterone Cypionate from Cygnus Pharma is intended for courses of gaining muscle mass and can be combined with a large number of steroids. Its action for 10 days exceeds all testosterone preparations known on the world market.

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The action of Cypionate is identical to natural testosterone, the hormone responsible for the emotional and physical qualities of men. Testosterone cypionate causes a hoarseness of the voice, regulates sexual desire, aggressiveness, and most importantly in our case promotes the growth of muscle mass.

Action of Testosterone Cypionate

  • Significant increase in muscle mass. During the steroid cycle, a sharp hydration of the cells is observed, a significant amount of the accumulated volume is accounted for by water. This makes the muscles look more beautiful, but at the same time causes the phenomenon of rebound after the end of the testosterone cypionate course. Accumulated liquid makes up to a third of the total mass gain.
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Stimulation of erythrocyte production. An increase in the oxygen mass of the blood makes it possible for the muscles to work more efficiently, and the athlete's endurance increases.
  • Ensuring sexual behavior and spermatogenesis.
  • Ensuring a positive nitrogen balance (the amount of protein produced exceeds the amount of decaying protein).
  • Improvement of phosphorus metabolism.

Application of Testosterone Cypionate

The optimal frequency of injections is once a week.Given the long period of action of the steroid, it is possible to perform injections less often, but the concentration of the hormone will not be at a constant (optimally high) level. For those who are interested in gaining muscle mass, the weekly dosage is from 250 to 500 milligrams. A solo course of testosterone cypionate gives excellent results, and beginners do not need to include anything else. When increasing dosages above 800 milligrams, the anabolic effect does not increase, which cannot be said about the probability and severity of side reactions.

The combined course of testosterone cypionate is almost identical to the solo course. The steroid is best combined with Nadrolon. At the same time, the dosage of each substance is approximately 200 milligrams per week. The blocking of the effect of estrogens is carried out with the help of Tamoxifen (taken at 10 milligrams daily, starting from the second week of the cycle and ending the second week after its completion). During the course, it is recommended to use Proviron, which is subsequently replaced by Tamoxifen (to normalize the secretion of own testosterone).

Side effects

A feature of the steroid Testosterone Cypionate is its high level of aromatization. An increase in muscle mass is often accompanied by an excess level of estrogens, and as a result of gynecomastia, with thickening and swelling of the tissue in the area of ​​the nipples. This negative reaction is prevented by anti-estrogen Clomid, as well as aromatase blockers. Side effects of testosterone cypionate are often androgenic in nature, due to the rate of conversion of the hormone into the active form of dihydrotestosterone. An increase in blood pressure, growth of hair on the body and face (or, on the contrary, baldness), an increase in sebum secretion, acne are possible.


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