Trenacetat-100 10 ampoules/1 ml (100 mg/ml)


Trenacetat-100 (Trenbolone Acetate) from Malay Tiger is a powerful anabolic drug that significantly increases muscle mass and strength. It is used by bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters. It is also used during the athlete's drying period. has the most powerful anabolic effect, which is 5 times greater than that of testosterone. This drug is particularly popular among experienced athletes who have already completed courses of more moderate steroids. At the same time, Trenabol 100 does not have such a property as aromatization and does not convert into estrogen. This excludes water retention in tissues and gynecomastia.

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Trenabol promotes the burning of fat reserves in the body and helps build lean and high-quality muscle mass. Athletes who use the drug pay attention to the well-developed relief of the muscles and the venous line.

Professional bodybuilders use Trenabol 100 to prepare for contests and competitions.

Trenbolone Acetate increases the level of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) in the body by 200%, which affects energy and metabolic cellular processes.

Steroid profile of Trenbolone Acetate

  • The drug has very high anabolic activity.
  • Aromatization (conversion to estrogens): absent. Hmmm, maybe that's why it has gained such great popularity, because it is not able to aromatize into estrogens under the influence of aromatization. That. by this I want to say that there are no such side effects as: gynecomastia, fluid accumulation.
  • Toxic effect on the kidneys: absent
  • Hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity): not proven in moderate doses.
  • Method of use: injections
  • The effect of the drug depends on the ether (acetate: 1-2 days, enanthate 8 days, parabolan 10 days).
  • Recommended dosages: depends on the ether (acetate 50 mg if daily, 100 mg if every other day, enanthate and parabolan 300 mg per week).
  • Drug detection time: up to 5 months.

Effectiveness of Trenbolone Acetate

Most athletes prefer to take Trenbolone Acetate when there is a need for an intensive training process. In this case, the active components of the drug contribute to the accelerated recovery of the body. As noted by many experienced bodybuilders, the drug has performance characteristics that can be compared with Oxandrolone, but in general, Trenbolone Acetate surpasses it by many times.

So, the athlete, taking the drug in accordance with the instructions of the specialist, will be able to get the following results from the course, namely:

  • Acceleration of metabolic processes,
  • Increase in quality mass,
  • Getting rid of accumulated fat cells,
  • Increased appetite,
  • IMF is being developed,
  • Growth of the athlete's strength indicators, as well as endurance and speed,
  • There is no negative effect on the liver.

Application and dosage

Trenbolone Acetate is recommended to be taken in the minimum amount (50 mg per day). The duration of the course is 5-6 weeks. Longer cycles require additional administration of gonadotropin: the drug inhibits the production of natural sex hormones.

Post-course therapy after the end of the main cycle is also mandatory. Clomid or testosterone boosters are used. The duration of PCT is 3-4 weeks.

Trenbolone Acetate 100 should be used together with special high-calorie sports nutrition.


For mass gain, it is better to use it as a solo course.Some athletes combine Tren Acetate 100 with Enanthate. For drying and formation of relief muscles, the drug is combined with Anavar or Winstrol.

Side effects

Trenbolone Acetate can cause increased blood pressure, insomnia, and decreased libido. This is a popular and effective drug among experienced athletes that, when used correctly, gives good results.


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