Oxymetholone 50 tab. (50 mg/1 tab.)


Oxymetholone from Magnus Pharma is a strong stimulator of muscle growth. It has the strongest anabolic effect, helping to achieve noticeable results in a relatively short time. Those who wish to increase strength, endurance and speed up weight gain without additional side effects can use this drug.


Oxymetholone, also known to many athletes as Prometholone, is one of the most powerful steroids produced in tablet form. The active components of the drug allow the athlete to easily achieve the set goals. At the moment, judging by the numerous reviews on the network, this drug is really effective, and its effect persists even after the course is over.

Oxymetholone, known as Oxy, is mainly used by bodybuilders in the off-season (when gaining weight), significantly increases muscle mass and strength.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity – 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity – 30% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion to estrogen) – no, but there may be progestin side effects similar to estrogen.
  • Liver toxicity – medium-high (comparable to methandrostenolone, toxicity directly proportional to dose)
  • Method of administration – orally (in tablets), extremely rarely in the form of an injection.
  • Duration of action – 15 hours (half-life – 9 hours)
  • Detection time – up to 12 weeks

The active components of the drug allow the athlete to easily achieve the set goals. At the moment, judging by the numerous reviews on the network, this drug is really effective, and its effect persists even after the course is over.

The effect associated with taking Oxymethalone

The active components of this steroid allow the athlete to achieve significant muscle growth. Just one course of admission allows an athlete to gain weight up to 15 kilograms. At the same time, the return from the course will be up to 30% of the obtained effect.

Many athletes decide to buy this steroid because it helps to get rid of pain in the joints, while also improving their function.

It is worth noting that during the course, the steroid minimizes the level of globulin, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of taking other sports pharmacology drugs during the course.

How to take Oxymetholone to athletes

Specialists recommend taking this drug only to athletes without contraindications and to those who have reached the age of majority. Before starting the course, it is mandatory to undergo specialist examinations and pass all the necessary tests.

For each athlete, the specialist prescribes an individual dosage, which depends on the characteristics of the athlete's body, his goals and experience in taking sports pharmacology drugs. However, the daily average dosage should not exceed 100 milligrams per day, and the duration of the course should not exceed 4-6 weeks. Remember, it is highly not recommended to make an independent decision regarding increasing the dosage in order to increase the effectiveness of the course, this may lead to an increase in the likelihood of side effects.

At the end of the course, it is mandatory to conduct the PCT. In order to restore the level of endogenous testosterone, it is necessary to take boosters for 3-4 weeks. Some experts also recommend following a certain diet during the course.

It is allowed to combine this steroid with such drugs as Primobolan, Trenbolone, Boldenone, Stanozolol suspension and testosterone ester.

Oxymetholone side effects

It should be noted that oxymetholone does not have progestogenic activity, and there is not a single study that would clearly indicate its presence. The drug itself is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone.

In some cases (when using large doses), the drug can cause diarrhea, worsen appetite, and cause mild nausea. Oxymetholone suppresses the production of own testosterone to a lesser extent than most steroids.

Oxymetholone: ​​pros and cons


  • Big increase in muscle mass
  • Inflow of power
  • Easy to take (oral)
  • Suitable for women (according to research)


  • High blood pressure
  • Suppression of testosterone
  • Water retention
  • Toxic for the liver
  • Risk of gynecomastia


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