Anadrol 50 tab. (50 mg/1 tab.)


Anadrol (Oxymetholone) from TN Pharma is the most powerful and effective oral steroid. The drug is extremely highly androgenic and at the same time very anabolic. For this reason, huge gains in strength and muscle mass are achieved in the shortest possible time. Often, weight increases by 5-7 kg or more in 14 days. It is even more useful for those athletes who suffer from joint pain.


For quite a long time, it was believed that most of the weight gain achieved with oxymetholone was due to water. At the same time, from about the middle of the last decade, professional bodybuilders began to actively use oxymetholone in pre-competition training. Now its reception is not limited to only one or two days immediately before the start of oxy, it can be actively used during almost the entire period of preparation for competitions, while no excessive accumulation of water under the skin occurs.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity – 320% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity – 45% of testosterone
  • Aromatization (conversion to estrogens) – no, but it itself has an estrogenic effect
  • Liver toxicity is moderate
  • Method of administration – in tablets
  • Duration of action – 15 hours
  • Detection time – up to 8 weeks

Effects when taking Anadrol

  • Pronounced muscle growth (oxymetholone is considered one of the most effective steroids in bodybuilding for gaining muscle mass – up to 15 kg of muscle mass in 1 course, after the course a noticeable rebound phenomenon is observed – up to 30% of the gained mass can be lost, since some mass gain is due to the accumulation liquids)
  • A significant increase in strength
  • Anapolon in a number of athletes eliminates pain in the joints, improves their function (due to fluid retention in the body and greater production of synovial fluid). But this useful property is noted by far not all athletes.
  • It reduces the globulin that binds sex hormones, this makes the effect of other anabolic hormones (as well as own testosterone) more pronounced and faster when used in combination.
  • Anadrol (oxymetholone) allows you to achieve significant gains in muscle mass. Moreover, these gains can be obtained, including subjects who do not train at all. The drug helps to burn subcutaneous fat, the best results can be obtained in the abdominal area. That is, oxy can be used as a fat-burning agent by men who have problems with burning belly fat.

    Contrary to established opinion, oxymetholone does not have a significant effect on liver function.

    Course of taking Anadrol

    • The course is suitable for men over 21 years old for intensive muscle mass gain.
    • The duration of the oxymetholone course is 4-6 weeks. Do not make the course longer than 6 weeks, firstly, because the greatest results are noted during the first three weeks of the course, and secondly, because of possible liver toxicity.
    • The maximum easily tolerated dosage is 100 mg per day. Firstly, because it has been proven that a larger increase in dosage does not lead to better results. Secondly, the risk of side effects of Anapolon increases. The optimal dose for beginners is 50 mg per day. At the same time, there are a number of reception schemes, the daily dosages of which reach 200 mg.Taking the drug with a gradual increase in dosage makes sense only if there are concerns about its tolerability. Usually, the drug is taken in a stable dosage from the first to the last day of the course. A gradual decrease in dosage has no practical meaning.
    • At the end of the course, a PCT is conducted. Start taking testosterone boosters within 3-4 weeks to restore your own testosterone production.
    • For maximum effectiveness of the course, take a complex of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass and follow a diet for gaining muscle mass.
    • Be sure to consult with a specialist before starting to take oxymetholone.

    Side effects

    The 17-alpha-alkyl group in the structure of the drug allows it to pass through the liver without being destroyed, but this makes Anapolon toxic to the liver. Studies lasting 30 weeks were conducted, where subjects used oxymetholone in a dose of 50 mg per day. As a result, various side effects were revealed, including on the liver.

    In a study by Schroeder in 2003, the subjects received a dose of 50 or 100 mg/day, while only one of the subjects had a significant increase in ALT (alanine aminotransferase) during 12 weeks of continuous administration. But, as it turned out later, it was connected with the intake of alcohol immediately before donating blood. No increase in ALT was detected during repeated analysis. In all other subjects, ALT and AST increased slightly, but remained within normal limits. Thus, the toxic effect on the liver is greatly exaggerated. The most safe dosage of the drug is 100 mg per day (or less).

    It should also be noted that oxymetholone does not convert into estrogen, however, it can often cause fluid retention in the body, gynecomastia, increase blood pressure, and some others. It is assumed that Anapolon itself can bind to and activate estrogen receptors, so the level of estradiol should be monitored during the course, and based on this, aromatase inhibitors should be used or, more preferably, blockers of the above-mentioned receptors should be used.


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